Link to GDD = link GDD link to my GDD powerpoint= game mechanics= For the game mechanics I was thinking of speed of the balloons it when one of them could be slow and they differentiate between colours so in my script I would write the specific colour of the balloon would be different speed, I was also thinking about resources of how many balloons and I want about like Infinity, so my other thing for mechanics would be about the background image of the game so I would probably have the amount of balloons you miss the background will change and I would have about 3 backgrounds which means you have three lives and if you continue losing those lives you will have a clown running at you and then it's game over. game design document My opinion on gdd, Is the way we organize our planning by picking out specifics like, development of roles and responsibilities, planning out gameplay basics, background stories & objectives the player purpose. Gdd, always starts...