Game Fun
as I am learning and
watching the visual video I kind of understood what I was researching for the
word fun As I was watching the video my whole concept of fun has changed into
more of a challenging way that there's more to the word fun than just wasting
your time cheating, finding cheat codes.
my thoughts about the module of game design is that it's
important to understand between the player and the designers, is to kind of
have the same experience. it seemed to me the game designers they want the players
to kind of have a cognitive thinking and to learn from having fun while enjoying
the game and not just to be lazy and going find a simple way to avoid the
patients the waiting the time. true reading this you kind of describes to me
that the game designers are having game mechanic research to find if there is a
simple way of not using the brain enough.
MDA is also a big designated layout when trying to figure
out a game. So not all games have to be fun for example like chess game or tic
tac toe is more of a thinking strategy on the enemy and imagine if it was a
real life thing it wouldn't be a fun thing if you know you're the king and your
whole army loses against the other king which leads to your death or checkmate
so that is an example of all games can be fun some of them can be different
stages of action
Every game has to have difficulty as I normally watching and
reading true videos of what game design is and in each game there's different
types of difficulty not just about level of like hard easy or extremely
difficult it's more of what the person likes.
What are the rules of the another word is game mechanics
The rules and bonuses that appear in a program on a digital platform are known as game elements. Points, levels, tasks, leaderboards, badges, and progress are some examples. Game mechanics are the methods by which participants interact with a gamification software and receive feedback on their achievements and next stages.
Game dynamics are a set of feelings, behaviors, and wants that players associate with game mechanics. Competition through leaderboards, collaboration through teams of friends, community of similar intrest collection learning badges, and unlocking new missions are all examples of having feelings to the stimulation of fun . Game dynamics just adds motivation to keep playing the game and not leaving it for good amount of years. average game popularty to be played is 1 years when not being updated
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