Games Stories

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link I read about week 10 =

 guidelines for how to tell a good story within a game
  • So how to write a video game


    well there is different options like different possibilities for an ending or Canon story or a major storyline.

    If a story has different endings the Blogger said the outcomes will be very difficult to make it will be time consuming which we should avoid but they did say it's a major outline for a Canon story the meaning of a Canon story is that needs a major and the real ending of the story game

    This will be called a linear story where the storyline is a bit easier to write and it's just one ending an is just a straight line


    step 2 Emma W Welsh ,

    decide what type of game you want when you have your structure of this story decide what type of game you want it to be Emma said it's similar to writing a novel and it's not an easy decision

    so there is action adventure

    there is role playing games like RPG

    there is first person shooter

    and puzzle games

    there could be a harbour between 2

    Step 3 is that you have to develop the world

    like the location what would the floor the platform the sky the global

    and then you need to create your main character that's Step 4

    have all your characters sorted out you need to have a villain a companion and a prominent character and then there is a background character

    step five is to create a flow chart of the major story

    A float chair is like a side quests that appear in the game menu or you can do them during the main storyline

    Than you have step 6

    That's when you start writing the major story

    we focused on the cannon seeds that's the real version we did vote to the

    we start writing the main story as a summary or begin to dive into the scene writing almost like a movie.

    Step 7 is talking about adding in side quests NPC's non playable character, and small details

    By adding all items objects,

    Den stop a is where you need to code your game


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