
Reading 12,Doing

At the end of the reading assingment we have to talk about our reflective thoughts and experince we had during the making of the chapter.   I had loved writing a story about my favourite game, and the fact that we can choose whatever topic we want was maybegood and bad. I get overwhelmed with a lot of options for ideas During the process of making my chapter with first had to do some research through books and websites and Google I struggled with that one at the start which delayed my work progress because I was confused and once I get confused I basically give up on something very fast so my research wasn't done properly and I didn't have enough time to find the topic that I really liked and it was quite difficult about the topic because everyone seemed to pick something that I wanted to do. And afterwards when I started reading peoples blogs I kind of got the inspiration and the idea to grasp and so I finally understood what exactly I was supposed to do that was in week 5 I...

Tech Tip: Animated Gif


doing my final chapter

  interactive elements of book at first Ineed to know exactly what an intercative elemnet is and I MUST contain  all elements image link

Tech Tip: Animated Gif

 A gif I made through

Tech Tips: Einstein Chalkboard

 I liked the einstein image editor really fun.

Doing, reading task

  Add graphics as required, remember to seek permission or credit Create two digital resources (graphics/audio/video) of your own to support your work. Add author bio  Support editing for final version _ this will be collaborative during the lecture slot)

Extra task

  Blog Commenting and feedback Quotemakers . I’ve included a long list of quotemaker tools here that you can use to create your own quote graphic; feel free to repeat using a different tool each time if you want. And if you have a favourite quote-making tool that you already use, let me know!