doing my final chapter

 interactive elements of book

at first Ineed to know exactly what an intercative elemnet is

and I MUST contain all elements

an interactive elemnet is when there makes a user try to be involved in action wether engulfed with the story or repeld #.

the story of the chapter doesnt have to be factual all the time it is intersting to add a story of fiction.

that could make lots of examples

what makes a book an interactive element

  1. . to make an interactive story in a chapter we must ask question abotu the story the readers read. what would they do if they were in a character's shoes, or as the main character.
we could make a sequel or a different ending almsot in most visual video games, they give you different intersting ending oppsite to the first one.. two alternative story

to make an interactive story we must look for what the gnere of the book is .to make reader engaed with reading you need to make variety of topics to make them find one that they are interested in 


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