
so far I have learned to start doing proper stratgey in order to improve my skill on writing and readingn.

I have rushed the reading task and I find it a bit of an old soul to write digitally I liked writing on papers most of the time and doing research on new words I have never seen or heard before and so I would to to google dictionary and search the meaning of the word while i write down on paper to memorise it. The research part is the part that I struggled with and finding exactly what my theme or topic I want to write about. I only figured out exactly what I have to do when it was too late i was at reading week 5 that i finally figured out the research of my topic and how to highlight it with the thematic coding. I only highlighted few that gave me an inspiration to do more research on .

The annotated bibliographies were easy to refrence so I felt like I did something wrong while reading academic papers. The paragraphs were difficult to un derstand with the words unfamilar to me so it did take some time to search each word I never seen befores. But if i begin this next year If that happens I would probably start early and save some google scholar documents and go library near me for games for my topic.


In the end of my research stragety the conclusion was to go back and fix some of the paragraphs in A book layout and the start to the end of each sentences should grab the attention of the reader. I also fixed some problems that was suggested in my comments because few paragraphs were not clear or drifted off from my main point. I had to change some words because it was reapeated too many times and thats were the dictionary wokr helped me change some of them.

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