Game Elements


Three links

Ramon. “Rapid Game Prototyping: Why It Is Important in Game Development?” Game Development Outsourcing Company, 3D Art Outsourcing, 3D Animation Outsourcing | Starloop Studios, Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.

V4nKw15h. My Tips on How to Plan a Game, Stay Motivated and Get It Finished. 11 Aug. 2014, Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.

“Planning Your First Video Game.”, Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.

The Conceptual Model

The prototype's goal is to create the core 10-to-30-second experience such that it's as enjoyable in real life as it was in your mind.

If it isn't entertaining, make changes until it is.

At this point, don't waste time on flashy visuals.

If you can't make it fun now, don't expect it to become fun later by adding more trash. That is extremely unlikely.

Continue to add the fundamental features that you believe are crucial to your game concept (in a very rudimentary but usable style) after it's entertaining. It's preferable to make sure the entire concept works now rather than wasting time on a dud later.

Depending on the competition, the prototype can take anything from an hour to a month to complete.


It's not enough to undertake some research while starting a video game project. Even though the concepts appear to be excellent and practical, they must be put to the test if the video game is to be a success. If you begin the game prototyping phase early on, you will be able to identify numerous interface or mechanical issues that can be readily resolved.

Game prototyping should be used as both a source of inspiration and an alternative to traditional exploratory methods. Because game prototypes are physical representations of your ideas, they enable you to think by doing, which means you'll acquire more value from the research, definition, ideation, and testing stages.

You'll require game prototyping.

What I think of game quality would be about the story or about what is about to start off theirs before you start to make a game you need to have an idea and that idea can be used in different ways to physically seat ruler so you can either have a little sketchbook by drawing. there is also one where you cut cardboard's, as an example where the video showed I'll put a link.


another idea for a game can be made by physically playing it with other materials. my thoughts about game quality

Another game website link

Tips for getting started with your game design document

Make sure to leave room in your GDD for brainstorming. In a brainstorm, there are no negative ideas, so get everything out of your head and into the GDD!

What are the fundamentals of interactive design?
What will the user interface (UI and controls) look like?

What is the intended point of view (first person vs. third person)?

What kind of interactive structure (chapters, huge middle portions, levels) will there be?

What is the game's genre (FPS, adventure, RPG, and so on)?

Is it a single-player game or a multiplayer game?

What is the game's level of difficulty?

How long do you think it'll take the average player to finish?

The plot and the scenario (if any)
What is a summary of the overarching plot?

Describe the gameplay in detail.
To offer a dynamic sense of the gameplay, describe what a player would experience in a regular playing session:

Describe each game mission or level (where appropriate):

Describe the game's preliminary maps for each level or quest (where appropriate):

Describe all of the game's main characters, subsidiary characters, and monsters or bosses:

Describe the sound design (music, voices, and sound effects) in as much detail as possible:


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