Introduction of my self


what was the best class you took last semester? Photoshop 
why? I liked to Mess faces on stock photos, I also liked to learn more about Photoshop.
what were your biggest accomplishments last semester? Creating my portfolio on photography skills, and I have learnt new type of art from visual creativity from 1st year semester 1. on using different angles, spaces, shapes.

my own art from visual creativity 

what are your goals for this module? To develop my skills 
What do you want to achieve? I would like to start independently doing work and art pieces for my project and have my own individual brand, new skills such as video making, music editing on Adobe which I have a chance to use.

did you do something exciting / go somewhere exciting over break? I went on holiday to Turkey for two weeks it was fun. 2021 August 31, I went to Istanbul the city is overpopulated nothing like Ireland almost drowned with the amount of cars and Taxis, and people

Favourite movie =Matilda,
TV shows= Squid games(Don't ask where I watched..)
Best book you read? Need to start reading. Maybe diary of the wimpy kid
favourite music —  Hyper pop, rock, classical piano music also sad piano, I would love to get piano lessons maybe one day.

career goals: short-term= aldi, long-term= , practical goals, big dream goals = Probably be an Illustrator, creating Covers, Magazines,bringing my own art style even if it's a little same I would like to put it into a new dimension.

My favourite game(s),pink panther pc game,
favourite foods = I like Noodles, and Burger no Ham keep halal mode… 
least favourite foods = I don't like artichoke= There is an Arabic dish it taste bad… (SYRIAN STUFFED ARTICHOKES WITH BEEF AND PINE NUTS)

favourite thing to cook from scratch= oven fish fillet.
Hobbies I would like to try if I had time/Which I do have plenty for now = I would like to get Piano lessons but I'm just lazy at the moment, and also drumming but idk.. and probably should join GYM to get them muscles. 
if you had an extra day for fun, how would you spend it's shopping, buying online stuff. going cycling during spring/summer not winter too cold


  1. Hey Judy,

    Turkey is a really nice place. I really hope one day I can go there because it seems fun with all the places to visit, the food, culture, and of course shopping. I also have many friends who live there. I also like how you want to have your own brand since I really am myself hope in the future to become successful and create my own business and brand from scratch.

  2. I had to highlight everything to read it cos of te text and background colour everyhthing else I liked

  3. Hi Judy! I love the film Matilda it was definitely one of my favourites as a kid, I love Danny Devito as an actor and he plays a good role in the film. Fun Fact the girl who played Matilda doesn't act anymore but writes books, she also does voiceovers. I'd love to visit Turkey sometime in the future!

  4. Hey Judy,

    That's cool that you went to Turkey, I've never had the chance to visit but I'd love to go there someday! What rock bands do you like to listen to? I'm a big rock fan myself, it isn't very often than I find other people who listen to it as well.. I loved Matilda as well, my favourite scene is when her classmate has to eat the entire chocolate cake, I always thought it was actually made of blood and sweat!

  5. hi judy i like how you said that you went turkey that one of the place that i need to visit soon. and I'm a fan of rock music it real cools me down when stress out. and Matilda is one funny film that i watch as a kid when she eating all the food. I hope so see you around college soon.

  6. Hey Judy, Nice to read a bit about you from your blog. I feel like I was on a rollercoaster a bit after it haha. I've never been to Turkey, nice to hear you enjoyed it. Your colour scheme and layout of your blog is very nice too. Love the pink. Kevin

  7. Hi Judy. Took me forever but I finally got around to your blog. Glad to hear you liked using photoshop. Maybe you can give me some tips. Love photoshop but I’m just no good at it 😅. You also have great drawing skills, those will defo come in handy for storyboarding. You are very ambitious and I know that everything you want is within your grasp. Also have to say I loved the diary of a wimpy kid books when I was younger 🤣.
    I know you’ll do great this year!

  8. Hello Judy

    I feel like we have so much in common. I would love to see what image you used in photoshop last year, I should have paid more attention in that class. I love your drawings, and the colors you have used. I wonder what Turkey's like, I would love to go there someday. Where did you have your favorite burger? I love burgers, especially those from restaurants like Captain America's, Eddie Rockets etc. I loved the introduction.



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