class assignment,week2
- link to image=
- what kinds of things are new to you (or not),
the new reading assignments and answering through a blog
- what kinds of things you are most excited about, any questions you have in mind going forward
I am also curious about how I will learn through this method.
also, extra credit assignments might be another chance to help.
(CORE ASSIGNMENTS takes an hour) 3 hours on Sat/Sun
What assignments are you most intrigued by? the assignments I'm intrigued by would be
Tech Tasks. This is a chance for those of you who like learning about different kinds of web-based technology to use some tools that can be really helpful for this class, and also to learn how to do more with your blog, some basic image editing, creating memes, all kinds of stuff.
4. Project.
Each person in the class will have a semester-long project and you will work on your own project for every week, starting with some brainstorming assignments in Weeks 3 and 4. This is the one required component that you cannot pass without completing.- How is this like/unlike what you have done in other classes?
Are there any extra credit options that grab your attention? I would hope extra credits would be a bit easier on details as like an example thought and what information we found on the topic.
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